It took a bit longer as I thought, but now I finished the code cleanup and the work of improving the data models. So, ocNews, the ownCloud News App client for Jolla’s Sailfish OS and MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan (Nokia N9), brings mostly non visual improvements. The new data models are not reloading completely anymore after each operation that changes the underlying data. Sorting and filtering is now done through filter proxies, what also does not reload the complete data and makes some animation on filtering possible. Engine code base was cleaned up and the connections between the API parts are better, so that not complete classes need to be loaded into others, only to perform minimal stuff. On client side, the connections between daemon and client are now in the C++ part and not anymore in the QML code.
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7 Beiträge markiert als Nokia N9
Today I released ocNews 1.8.0 that brings some long awaited new features. On both, Sailfish OS and MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan, it is now possible to directly navigate between news items. On Sailfish this is also possible via the cover actions. Next and previous items are delegated from the list you called them from. So it also recognizes the sorting of the list and loads previous and next article based on your settings. On Sailfish OS you can find these navigation in the push up and push down menus, on Harmattan there are icons in the bottom toolbar.
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Flat Feeds Main View
I am happy to announce the availability of version 1.6.0 of ocNews, the ownCloud News App client for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan (Nokia N9) and Jolla SailfishOS. This new version brings some new features, fixes, changes and translations.
First thing to mention is, that it is now possible to choose between two different layouts for the main/start view. There is still the old folder centred view, that displays your folders and a click on it brings you to their feeds. The new view is a flat feed view, where all feeds are displayed on one page, categorized by their parent folders. You can change your preferred layout in the settings.
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ocNews Icon for Sailfish OS
Finally I found the time to reorganize my code a bit and upload it to Github. So, everyone that is interested in the code or want to contribute can find it there now.
A few days ago I also release version 1.5.1 to with only minor changes.
For all the people that want to know more about the usage of ocNews, I recorded two new videos and updated the usage guide.
If you want to know more about ocNews (videos, changelog, guide, etc.), go here.

ocNews Icon for Sailfish OS
ocNews version 1.5.0 is now released for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan and Sailfish OS on The main new feature is the ability to sort the news items. You can set a default behavior in the settings but can still change the sorting for a view temporarily. On Sailfish OS use the pull down menu of an article list view to access the temporary options. On Harmattan it is in the menu of the article list view.
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ocNews Icon for Sailfish OS
ocNews 1.4.1 is now available for Sailfish OS, too. Because Nokia closed its Store for new MeeGo apps beginning with 1st of January 2014 both versions, for Saiflish OS and Harmattan, are now on ocNews for Sailfish OS is a native app that uses the Silica UI components. On both operating systems the ocNews background engine is not started as a daemon anymore. Instead of that the engine daemon is now started on request by the reader app through a D-Bus call. This makes it possible, to close the whole app (reader and engine) completely. Here you can find the complete changelog.
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ocNews Logo
Seems as if ocNews, the ownCloud News client for the Nokia N9, was one of the last Apps for MeeGo that got an update in the Nokia Store. Nokia closed the store for updates and new MeeGo apps on 1st of January 2014, but the most important update of ocNews hit it right before this date.
Version 1.3.1 of ocNews brings some important new features. At first it is now split in two parts, one background engine/daemon and the reader. This makes it possible, that your stuff gets synchronized timed in background.
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