Markat version 0.5.0 is available in the Jolla Store since this morning. This version is the first release that features a integration into your eBay account by authenticating Markat to use your account. After you authenticated Markat you are able to watch your buyer lists in Markat and watched items are synchronized to your eBay account. There is still no support for direct buying/bidding in Markat, but I am working on it. Because Markat currently only supports basic buyer actions like watching items and opening them in the web browser, the MyEbay page in Markat shows only the lists that belong to buying stuff on eBay.
I want to say a big thank you to the translators, especially to Carmen F. B. for her complete Spanish translation. But of course to ced117 (French), Finalmix (Chinese) and koenigsegg (Italian), too. (
Have unfortunately forgotten who started the Czech translation.)
The changelog of version 0.5.0 is much shorter then the changes in previous versions, but the account integration is the base for future developments to make Markat a full featured eBay client for Sailfish OS.
- New: authentication support / account integration
- New: synchronize watch list with eBay account
- New: MyEbay buying lists like, bids, best offers, purchase history
- New: note management for MyEbay lists
If you want to see Markat in your own language or want to help with existing languages, go to If you have issues with Markat, found a bug or have ideas for improvements, go to
Pingback: Buschtrommel | Alive and well: Markat 0.6.0 released
Vielen Dank fuer diese geniale Ebay-App fuer das Jolla!
Besser geht es kaum! Ich bin begeistert!
Bitte bitte mach weiter mit deiner Arbeit an dieser App! Wird man mit dieser App in naher Zukunft auch bieten und per PayPal zahlen koennen?
Schön, dass dir die App gefällt. :) Direktes Kaufen und Bezahlen in der App sind auf jeden Fall geplant. Es ist auch schon eine neue Version in Arbeit. Allerdings muss ich mich im Augenblick erst noch stärker um andere Projekte kümmern und zu allem Überfluss habe ich vor ein paar Tagen mein Jolla geschrottet und brauche nun erst einen neuen Bildschirm. :D