You are not a coder but you can speak different languages and want to help software projects to be available in your native or any other language you speak? Then there is most probably a way for you to help. Many free software projects are using platforms like Transifex to translate their content into different languages. With Framrekkari, a client for these services, that currently supports the Transifex API, it is now possible for you to translate everywhere on your Sailfish OS powered device.
Framrekkari (old high German for translator) currently only supports the Transifex API, but the support of other services and servers like Pootle is planned for the future, at least if they provide an own API.
You can find Framrekkari in the Jolla store on your Sailfish OS powered device. It is available for free and licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2.0. If you like it and find it helpful, consider a little donation. You will find information about that on the app’s about page.
The next version is already on the way and will bring support of review operations as well as searching in the translation string list, beneath an attached metadata page to the translation page. Further future plans are support of translation memory and basic administration operations.
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