If you own a Jolla phone, powered by the new and incredible Sailfish operating system, and if you like to browse through the endless offers on eBay to find interesting stuff, then Markat might be the right App for you. Markat (old high german for market) is a native Sailfish OS client for the eBay API. It allows currently to browse the categories, search for stuff based on keywords and lets you filter your results. But all of this in the swipe based Sailfish way.
Markat is brand new and does not feature all eBay functions at the moment. But searching and filtering works as expected. To place a bid or an order you have to open the found item in the browser. But because Markat is part of the eBay partner network this is a nice and easy way to support it’s development. If you buy stuff on eBay you found with Markat, a little fee is given to it’s author. Plans for the future are to support the complete eBay buyer and seller workflow.
Jolla Harbour team was quite fast today to approve it for the Store, so you can expect the upcoming maintenance release 0.1.1 in the near future. If you want to give Markat a try you only have to start the Store App on you Jolla device and install Markat.
It needs a better icon.
Yes, I know. :) I’m working on it.
Version 0.1.3 will hit the store today, together with a new icon. ;)