Today I released ocNews 1.8.0 that brings some long awaited new features. On both, Sailfish OS and MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan, it is now possible to directly navigate between news items. On Sailfish this is also possible via the cover actions. Next and previous items are delegated from the list you called them from. So it also recognizes the sorting of the list and loads previous and next article based on your settings. On Sailfish OS you can find these navigation in the push up and push down menus, on Harmattan there are icons in the bottom toolbar.
For better accessibility you can now set the font size for the news texts in the settings. On Harmattan the button to open the article in the default browser moved from the content area into the toolbar. To get easier information on the changes happen in ocNews, there was a changelog page added to the about page. Find this and other minor changes there or here on this website.
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